Annual Fees

Cost To Join 

Chapter media (tour guide, history cards, memory work CDs) can be purchased from Catholic 

or at a member discount when the director completes a bulk order.

National Registration Fee: $175 (Early Bird Discounted Fee: $125 through March 29th) per Family. Payable directly to Catholic Schoolhouse, Inc., a national non-profit corporation, with the mission of helping Catholic homeschoolers thrive and mentor one another in the Faith.  Due at registration.

Chapter Supply Fees: $95 per Grammar Student, $185 per Upper Level Student. Covers the cost of everything your child will need while at CSH, as well as quality science and art supplies. The fee for Upper Level students also covers all of the books for the entire year.

Chapter Family Fee: $300 per family regardless of the number of scholars.

Chapter Facility Fee: (Varies by chapter)